Schuyler “HalfBeard” Meyers Seeks Sponsor for World Series of Poker tm
When he finds a sponsor Schuyler “HalfBeard” Meyers will stop trying to promote himself and will start talking about his new partner. HalfBeard says he will remain semi-bearded until the end of the World Series of Poker tm.
PR Potential
“The possibilities for my sponsor are endless,” said Half-Beard. “I will be constantly asked why I am like this, providing excellent word of mouth buzz. I will keep up my blog at”
There is potential for extensive media coverage. The right company could get a lot of mileage for a relatively small investment.
“I am leaving the left side of my face unshaven,” said HalfBeard, “because I am often left at the poker table.”
Time Limit
There is a time limit however. “By May 11, I need to renew my driver’s license. If I don’t have a sponsor by then, the beard comes off.
Contact HalfBeard at
Read his blog at